tonic a shop for women

Thursday, December 21, 2006


This is our new picture up at the Freehouse, its the famous Tatrina! If you happen to go to the Freehouse this week ask about the "tonic coupon" that exprires on Christmas eve.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Tonic's annual Christmas party took place last Friday on the 15th. The girls headed to The Ivy, the brand new restaurant in town, to celebrate the season. The night was filled with laughter, food, merriment, and a rousing game of Pink Elephant that left everyone full of Christmas cheer!

* Gabby, Roxanne, & Juli*

*Kalli, Jenna-Lee, & Kelsi*
The girls: A little less than prepared for this particular photo op.
*Roxanne, Gabby, Juli, Alieka,
Kalli, Jenna-Lee, Kelsi, & Jeanelle (From "Fresca Bella" upstairs)*

The girls once more, this time they were posed and ready!

And then the party was over...until next year at least.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!